Procurement Research

The challenges that modern procurement is facing are many and the transformation effort in procurement that we can see today is the ground for our expanding procurement research. We see how sustainable procurement is becoming a critical issue and driver of change and how digital transformation creates drastic changes in procurement operations. Along with this we see an increased attention to supply chain risk management, a new spend cost focus, and an increased importance of procurement for the whole business. These transformation processes will be in focus of research and development of new knowledge in procurement. In this shift, MTC has the potential to become an important arena for knowledge transfer between procurement practice and research.


At MTC we have the ambition to monitor current research in the fields of procurement – private and public – and supply management. The aim is to support readers that want to learn about the latest research. This time we focus on two areas with profound effects on procurement and supply management: sustainability and the transition to a circular economy, and secondly, the large impact of digitalization. This spans some of the wider themes under discussion in procurement today.

Below are summary notes on some new interesting research articles in the International Journal of Procurement Management and Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management with a focus on three key drivers for change in purchasing and procurement, which are: sustainability, digitalization and risk management. This spans some of the wider themes under discussion in procurement today.

Sustainable procurement research

Digitalization and analytics procurement research

The pandemic has highlighted the importance of insights from adjacent fields

Some of the wider themes under discussion in procurement today

    1. The circular business models of third-party loop operators: An activity-based view on performing activities internally or externally (December 2024) – Link
    2. From checking the box to driving impact – Perspectives on how to develop a supplier diversity program that is less narrowly scoped and more wholeheartedly adopted (December 2024) – Link
    3. Can digital transformation improve firm resilience to supply chain disruption? The role of diversification strategies (December 2024) – Link

    Source: Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management

  1. The future of purchasing and supply management (MTC Quarterly Q3/2024) 
  2. Artificial intelligence and machine learning in purchasing and supply management (MTC Quarterly Q4/2024) 
  3. How AI can redefine intelligent purchasing (MTC Quarterly Q4/2024)

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CAPS Research

Procurement and supply management research centre based in Arizona

CAPS Research

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The leading knowledge network for procurement based in the Netherlands

Link to Nevi

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International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association

Link to IPSERA

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Journal of Purchasing and Supply Chain Management

Link to JPSM

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Journal of Supply Chain Management

Link to JSCM

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House of Governance and Public Policy

Link below

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Upphandlings myndigheten

Public procurement agency based in Sweden

Link here

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Sustainability Procurement Pledge, an international NGO consisting of academics and practitioners

Link to SPP

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Procurement Leaders

The world's largest and most valued procurement network for CPOs and leadership

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