MTC Procurement Research Center

MTC’s vision is to create a world-class, strategic procurement center of excellence that will create new insights into the procurement field by facilitating the exchange of ideas and knowledge between academics and practitioners

  1. The circular business models of third-party loop operators: An activity-based view on performing activities internally or externally (December 2024) – Link
  2. From checking the box to driving impact – Perspectives on how to develop a supplier diversity program that is less narrowly scoped and more wholeheartedly adopted (December 2024) – Link
  3. Can digital transformation improve firm resilience to supply chain disruption? The role of diversification strategies (December 2024) – Link

Source: Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management

  1. The future of purchasing and supply management (MTC Quarterly Q3/2024) 
  2. Artificial intelligence and machine learning in purchasing and supply management (MTC Quarterly Q4/2024) 
  3. How AI can redefine intelligent purchasing (MTC Quarterly Q4/2024)

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CAPS Research

Procurement and supply management research centre based in Arizona

CAPS Research

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The leading knowledge network for procurement based in the Netherlands

Link to Nevi

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International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association

Link to IPSERA

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Upphandlings myndigheten

Public procurement agency based in Sweden

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Sustainability Procurement Pledge, an international NGO consisting of academics and practitioners

Link to SPP

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Procurement Leaders

The world's largest and most valued procurement network for CPOs and leadership

Link here

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MTC is a meeting place for procurement practitioners and researchers, both in the public and private sector. MTC was founded in Stockholm in 1974 by the Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien (IVA) and Institutet för företags-ledning (IFL). Our vision is to create a world-class, strategic procurement center of excellence that will enhance the understanding of and create new insights into the procurement field. It functions as a platform and meeting place for many kinds of actors both national and international: academics, practitioners, companies and other organizations. This also includes providing higher education to academia, business leaders and procurement professionals. Finally, we will strive for the development of strong procurement research and innovation of the highest international class with importance for Sweden’s future competitiveness.