Seminar on Unlocking Procurement’s Value: 1 December 2022

Stockholm School of Economics in summertime

EFFSO, MTC Stiftelsen and Stockholm School of Economics present: Unlocking value in procurement with Prof. Dr. Frank Rozemeijer and Prof. Dr. Arjan van Weele

Date and venue: Thursday December 1st, 2022 at Stockholm School of Economics
Cost: 1 995 SEK per person

Earlier this year Frank Rozemeijer and Arjan van Weele released the fully revised 8th edition of their book ‘Procurement and Supply Chain Management’.

In cooperation with Stockholm School of Economics and MTC Stiftelsen, EFFSO is proud to invite procurement professionals to a unique chance to learn from two great minds of procurement.

In this seminar the pair will cover some of the central themes of the book and using cases from recent events elaborate on how to best tackle these challenges. In the book they argue that procurement should contribute to achieving a company’s strategic goals and objectives. But to do so in practice is a challenge.

This seminar will arm procurement professionals with ideas on how to overcome many of these dilemmas.

More information can be found here: